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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Structural properties of immune complexes formed by viral antigens and specific antibodies shape the inflammatory response of macrophages

Fig. 5

VLPs and IC induced different release of inflammatory molecules in macrophages. Cells were treated with VLPs (20 µg/ml) and mAbs (7.5 µg/ml) for 24 h. A TNF-α (N = 5–10) and B IL-1β (N = 10–14) secretion determined by ELISA. C Chemokine secretion assessed by Proteomic Chemokine Profile Array Kit. Four membranes combined into one image are shown. They represent control (PBS), antibody control (mAb 12F8 alone), VLP control (WUPyV VLPs) and IC formed by WUPyV VLPs and mAb 12F8 treatments. Blue rectangles represent selected chemokines for determination by ELISA. Chemokine coordinates are presented in the table below the blot, in italics are sample controls—proteins commonly present in cell culture supernatants and used as positive signals. D CXCL1 (N = 8–9), E CXCL2 (N = 9), (F) CXCL9 (N = 6), (G) CCL8 (N = 10), (H) CXCL16 (N = 9) secretion determined by ELISA. (I) Representation of IC-induced chemokine secretion levels compared to VLPs. Average concentrations of detected chemokines were normalised to VLP-induced values to evaluate the changes from VLP effect, which is equal 1.0. The arrows show higher (orange) or lower (blue) chemokine secretion compared to VLPs. Data are represented using bar graphs or box plots with dots showing the number of independent experiments (N), *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test, for chemokines test option of matched measures across one N was used. 11D2, 12F8, 4E12, 5H10—mAb clones

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