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Fig. 2 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 2

From: mTOR hypoactivity leads to trophectoderm cell failure by enhancing lysosomal activation and disrupting the cytoskeleton in preimplantation embryo

Fig. 2

Detrimental effect of preimplantation mTOR suppression in vitro on mouse embryonic development. A Schematic of experimental setup whereby 1-cell embryos were cultured in KSOM with mTOR inhibitor treatment and without treated. B The rate of aplasia, 2-cell, 4–6 cell, 8-cell-morula, and blastocyst after 96 h cultured in Rapalink-1 treated group (RPL) and control group (Con). C Workflow of embryo transfer derivation from untreated or mTOR-inhibitor-developed blastocyst for identifying development potential. D Representative images of the implantation sites between Con and RPL at 7.5 dpc. Scale bars, 5 mm. The rate of implantation sites (E) (n = 14) and the size of the implantation site (F) (n = 10) were quantified. G Overview of the normal blastocysts was transferred into pseudopregnant mice which were treated with RPL or corn oil for identifying the potential of uterine receptivity and embryo implantation. H Representative images of the implantation sites after 48 h transferred in pregnant mice treated with Rapalink-1 or corn oil. Scale bars, 3 mm. The number (I) (n = 13) and size (J) of implantation sites (n = 9) were calculated in corn oil and RPL group. Error bars are mean ± SEM. ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.01, n.s., not significant (p > 0.05)

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