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Table 2 The endogenous changes of OXT in stress

From: Therapeutic uses of oxytocin in stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders

Species, gender

Stress type



Mice, M&F

Chronic variable stress

Basal CORT and PVN immunoreactivity↑

CRH and OXT mRNA in the PVN↑

Without anxiety behavior


Mice, M&F

Chronic neuropathic pain

OXT concentration in PVN and elevated expression of OXTR in ACC


Rat, M

Restraint stress

Arterial pressure, heart rate, plasma OXT↑

Using OXT antagonist attenuates tachycardic responses


Rat, F

Psycho-social stress

OXT release in PVN↑


Human, F

Mice, M


Blood OXTR mRNA concentrations in human↑

Prefrontal cortical OXT and OXTR mRNA in mice↑

HPA axis response relies on regulation of OXTR expression


Human, M&F


Plasma OXT in men and women ↓


Human, F

Acute stress (emotionally stressful video)

Negative emotion and salivary cortisol ↑

Baseline OXT predicts stress response
