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Fig. 4 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 4

From: A rapid and stable spontaneous reprogramming system of Spermatogonial stem cells to Pluripotent State

Fig. 4

Analysis of transcriptomic characteristics of SSCs, intermediate state cells, GSPCs and ES-like cells. a The illustration of sample collection for RNA-sequencing. b-c Violin Plot (b) and heatmap (c) of DEGs identified from the SSCs, In, GSPCs and ES-like cells. d-e Venn diagrams summarized the up-regulated genes (d) and down-regulated genes (e) in In vs. SSCs and GSPCs vs. SSCs. f The relative expression levels of Btc, Apln, Rac1 and Bcl2 genes in SSCs, In state cells and GSPCs were determined using RT-PCR, and were statistically analyzed, *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. g KEGG of differential genes in SSCs, In state cells, GSPCs, ES-like cells and shared by two datasets. h Hallmarks of differential genes in SSCs, In state cells, GSPCs and ES-like cells. i The relative expression levels of pluripotency associated genes in SSCs, In state cells, GSPCs and ES-like cells were exhibited. j Representative DEGs in SSCs, In, GSPCs and ES-like cells were selected. Left, fold change. Blue, downregulated genes; red, upregulated genes. Right, false discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted p values determined using DESeq2 (–log10-transformed). * represents a remarkable difference. k The relative expression levels of Plzf, Etv5, Dnmt1 and Ccnd1 genes in SSCs, In state cells, GSPCs and ES-like cells were determined using RT-PCR, and were statistically analyzed, *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

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