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Fig. 3 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 3

From: SHMT2 regulates esophageal cancer cell progression and immune Escape by mediating m6A modification of c-myc

Fig. 3

SHMT2 mediated m6A modification of c-myc. A: SAM levels; B: overall cellular m6A levels was measured after SHMT2 knockdown or overexpression; C: LinkedOmics ( was applied to analyze the genes correlated withSHMT2; D: KEGG (R language) analysis was used to find enrichment pathways of positively genes correlated ( > = 0.05) with SHMT2; E: String ( _show_search = on) was performed to analyze the interaction of SHMT2 with these genes; F: the correlation between SHMT2 and MYC expression in EC; G: MeRIP was conducted to detect m6A levels of c-myc after knockdown of SHMT2; H: 3-DAA treatment; I: the mRNA levels of c-myc after knockdown and overexpression of SHMT2; J:Act D assay. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001

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