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Fig. 6 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 6

From: CD24+LCN2+ liver progenitor cells in ductular reaction contributed to macrophage inflammatory responses in chronic liver injury

Fig. 6

Single-cell atlas validated CD24+LCN2+ LPC-macrophage cell–cell communication network in human cirrhotic liver disease. a Violin plots showing expression of LCN2, CD24, and SOX9 in NPCs from epithelia of the human cirrhotic liver. b Cellchat showed the number of interactions between CD24+LCN2+ LPCs and other cell groups in human liver NPCs diagnosed with cirrhosis. c U-map visualization of macrophage clusters is based on 4648 single-cell transcriptomes and the ratio of the macrophages of different clusters to total macrophages between cirrhotic and healthy livers. d, e The heatmap and the score of different pro-inflammatory markers in different clusters of Kupffer cells are based on the analysis by QuSAGE (2.28.0), with the gene set shown in the heatmap. f The activation rate of the NF-kB signal pathway in different clusters is based on the analysis by QuSAGE (2.28.0) of the gene set from the KEGG database. g The heatmap of NF-kB target genes in different clusters of macrophages. h Cellchat showed the number of interactions between CD24+LCN2+ LPCs and other cell groups of macrophages in cirrhotic liver NPCs. i Representative immunofluorescence staining of CK19, LCN2, and F4/80 expression in clinical samples of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Scale bar: 200 μm. Resident LPCs-derived CD24+LCN2+ LPCs, reLPCs

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