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Fig. 8 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 8

From: Menin orchestrates hepatic glucose and fatty acid uptake via deploying the cellular translocation of SIRT1 and PPARγ

Fig. 8

Menin restrains more activated Akt and translocates more SIRT1, but less PPARγ into the cytoplasm. A. The distribution proportion of Akt, PPARγ, and SIRT1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm are assessed upon higher Menin expression. Histone 3 and β-Actin are used as loading controls for the nucleus and cytoplasm extracts, respectively. B. Quantitative results of proteins in the nucleus (left panel) and cytoplasm (right panel). The dotted line at 1 represents equal proportional distribution, normalized by its negative control (Ctrl). C. Comparative results of concurrent distribution ratio of Menin, pAkt/Akt, PPARγ, and SIRT1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm of hepatocytes, suggest that Menin has similar distribution characteristics with activated Akt and PPARγ while opposite to that of SIRT1. D. immunofluorescence staining indicates that, compared to negative control (Ctrl), overexpressed Menin (yellow) promotes more PPARγ (red) translocate into the nucleus but expels more SIRT1 (green) into the cytoplasm

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