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Fig. 2 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 2

From: A distinct circular DNA profile intersects with proteome changes in the genotoxic stress-related hSOD1G93A model of ALS

Fig. 2

Length-adjusted frequencies of unique eccDNAs. A Exemplified for a control (C8; blue) and ALS (A8; red) sample are the length-determined frequencies of unique eccDNA species, as assessed across the entire murine chromosomal set up to a size of 104 bp. B Plateau of eccDNA frequencies (in %) between 103 and 104 bp. C Periodic enrichment of eccDNAs up to a size of 103 bp in both groups. Vertical lines mark the local peak maxima after smoothing. D Bar plot indicating cumulative numbers of unique eccDNAs for each control (C1-C10 in blue) and ALS (A1-A9 in red) sample up to a size threshold of 105 bp. E Violin plots of the length distributions of eccDNAs (< 105 bp) across all murine chromosomes as exemplified for a control (C8) and ALS (A8) sample. Mean and median eccDNA read lengths derived from each chromosome are displayed as red crosses and green squares, respectively. Data points are overexposed in light blue. For controls, n = 10; for ALS samples, n = 9

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