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Fig. 2 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 2

From: Hepatocyte-specific Sox9 knockout ameliorates acute liver injury by suppressing SHP signaling and improving mitochondrial function

Fig. 2

Hepatocyte-specific Sox9 deletion ameliorates acute liver injury induced by IR. Sox9 f/f and Alb-CreERT2/+; Sox9 f/f mice pre-treated with tamoxifen were subjected to 1 h of hepatic ischemia. Plasma and liver samples were collected 6 h after reperfusion. A Schematic diagram showed ischemia reperfusion model. B Plasma ALT levels were measured in Sox9 f/f and H-Sox9 KO mice. N = 4 or 5. C TBA levels were detected in livers and plasma in Sox9 f/f and H-Sox9 KO mice. N = 4 or 5. D Levels of IL-6 and TNFα mRNA expression were determined by qRT-PCR in Sox9 f/f and H-Sox9 KO mice. N = 4 or 5. E Representative liver sections stained with H&E. Yellow arrows indicate apoptotic cells (Red arrows indicate case prototypical apoptotic cells with higher magnification), while blank arrowhead indicates necrotic area. Scale bars: (left) 200 µm and (right) 50 µm. F Representative BrdU images in livers from Sox9 f/f mice and H-Sox9 KO mice induced by IR. Quantification of the percentage of BrdU+ cells in the indicated groups. Scale bar, 100 µm

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