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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Exploring the cellular and molecular differences between ovarian clear cell carcinoma and high-grade serous carcinoma using single-cell RNA sequencing and GEO gene expression signatures

Fig. 5

Comparison of immune cell heterogeneity in OCCC and HGSC samples. (A) Comparisons of immune cell frequency and T-cell subset frequency between OCCC [1] and HGSC [2] in the GSE189553 dataset as determined by ImmunCellAI analysis. DC: Dendritic cell; B: B cell; NK: natural killer cell; NKT: natural killer T cell; nTreg: natural regulatory T cell; iTreg: induced regulatory T cell; Th: T helper; Tfh: follicular helper T; MAIT: mucosal-associated invariant T; Tcm: central memory T; Tem: effector memory T. (B) UMAP plot displaying ten immune subpopulations (n = 48,213). (C) The distribution and proportion of ten immune subsets in each sample of the HGSC and OCCC groups from scRNA-seq data. (D) Box plots showing a comparison of the percentage of each T/NK cluster between the HGSC and OCCC groups. (E) t-SNE plot showing 12 clusters of TILs from mass cytometry data. Each dot represents a single cell (n = 48,213). (F) Box plots showing the comparison of the percentages of each TIL cluster between the HGSC and OCCC groups. (G) Box plots showing the comparison of different marker expression levels in CD4 T cells in the HGSC and OCCC groups. Each dot represents a single cell. P values were calculated by two-sided Wilcoxon test. * p < 0.05

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