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Fig. 3 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 3

From: Multi-omics in thoracic aortic aneurysm: the complex road to the simplification

Fig. 3

Multi-omics tool to solve the puzzle of precision medicine in thoracic aortic disease. Nucleic acids, proteins, extracellular vesicles and metabolites derived from biological specimens or cell culture models, as previously depicted in Fig. 2, are starting points to generate multiple high-throughput next-generation data, composing a “puzzle” of interrelated information. “–Omics” read-out integration and machine learning approaches like bioinformatics are then performed to evaluate differential expression/enrichment of specific molecules between physiological and pathological conditions. Likewise, this strategy allows to reveal unknown altered mechanisms/patterns, thus enabling the identification of potential predictive/prognostic biomarkers and pharmacological targets. The subsequent application of system pharmacology study provides a more targeted and precise medicine, tailored to the individual patient with thoracic aortic aneurysm

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