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Fig. 6 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 6

From: The genomic signature of resistance to platinum-containing neoadjuvant therapy based on single-cell data

Fig. 6

A: The ConsensusClusterPlus consistency clustering scatter plot at k = 2; B: The consistency clustering curve (CDF) and the CDF Delta area curve; C: The ConsensusClusterPlus consistency clustering heat map at k = 2, which can show the two categories with obvious differences; D: Rows and columns represent samples, different colors represent different categories, and the heat map of the expression of 12 related genes in 2 subgroups, red represents high expression and blue represents low expression; E: Kaplan–Meier survival analysis of the 2 groups of samples from TCGA dataset, comparison among different groups was made by log-rank test. HR (95%Cl), the median survival time (LT50) for different groups. F–I: Contribution and validation of nomogram model. The p-value, risk coefficient (HR) and confidence interval are analyzed by univariate (F) and multivariate (G) Cox regression. Nomogram can predict the 1 year, 2 year and 3 year overall survival of LUAD patients with chemotherapy (H). Calibration curve for the overall survival nomogram model in the discovery group. The dashed diagonal line represents the ideal nomogram, and the blue line, red line and orange line represent the 1 year, 2 year and 3 year of the observed nomogram (I)

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