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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Dynamic single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals distinct tumor program associated with microenvironmental remodeling and drug sensitivity in multiple myeloma

Fig. 5

Functional analysis of immune cells in TME. A UMAP plot showing the re-clustering of T cell subsets colored by cell type. B Heat map showing averaged gene expression level of T cell subsets marker genes. C Violin plots showing exhaustion scores of CD8+ effector T cells (left) and IFN-responding T cells (right) in high/low immune reactive tumors. D Heat maps of average gene expression levels of immune checkpoints in CD8+ effector T cells (left) and IFN-responding T cells (right). E Violin plots showing exhaustion scores of NK cells (left) and immune escape scores in monocytes (right) in high/low immune reactive tumors. F Heat maps of average gene expression levels of immune checkpoints and immunosuppressive genes in NK cells (left) and monocytes (right). G Scatterplots showing pearson correlations between immune response activation with scores of co-stimulation, cytotoxicity and exhaustion per patient in GSE161801 dataset. Statistical analysis in C, E was performed by Wilcoxon test, *p < 0.05, ****p < 0.0001

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