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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Proteomic signatures of schizophrenia-sourced iPSC-derived neural cells and brain organoids are similar to patients' postmortem brains

Fig. 5

Proteomic from iPSC-derived neural cells and organoids from schizophrenia patients present similar patterns when compared with post-mortem brain tissue of patients with schizophrenia. A Chord-diagram (upper) overviewing proteins (purple lines) shared among comparisons; upset plot (lower) indicating the number of proteins shared for each comparison. Vertical bar sizes (intersection size) represent the number of proteins in common among the set groups, where the purple dots (and connecting line) are pointing to where this intersection (or overlap) occurs; and the horizontal bars represent the number of proteins differentially regulated (SCZ versus CTR) in each dataset (set size). B Canonical pathway enrichment analysis against the KEGG database (upper), showing pathways regulated by protein present in each dataset, followed by an upset plot indicating the connections of those pathways among organoids, 21 DIV neurons, NPCs, and the postmortem brain. Highlighted terms (bold red) represent novel pathways found in this study, not covered in postmortem brain tissues. Color shades (purple to blue) are representative of the p-value, while circle sizes represent the number of proteins within respective canonical pathway. Vertical bars represent the number of pathways regulated in each dataset (set size); horizontal bars (intersection size) represent the number of pathways in common among the set group; green dots (and connecting lines) are pointing to where this intersection occurs. C Comparative analysis of total organoids dataset with proteins from different regions of the postmortem brain. Bars represent the number of proteins, while they were colored according to their adjusted p-value of the analyses overlap. DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, WA Wernicke’s area, ACC nterior cingulate cortex

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