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Fig. 2 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 2

From: Incident disease associations with mosaic chromosomal alterations on autosomes, X and Y chromosomes: insights from a phenome-wide association study in the UK Biobank

Fig. 2

Manhattan plots of ATC medication codes (level 3) and mCAs in the UK Biobank. All associations are adjusted for age, age2, detailed 25-level smoking, and sex (only for autosomal mCA analyses). Colors are used to separate medications in different ATC level 1 categories. The red line represents the Bonferroni-corrected, PheWAS significance level (0.05/number of medication codes tested). The blue dashed line represents the minimum, suggestive threshold (1/number of medication codes tested). A maximum of the ten most significant medication codes above the suggestive threshold are labeled. PheWAS associations are reported for: a Autosomal mCAs, 169 medication codes tested (PheWAS significance: p < 2.96 × 10–4, suggestive threshold: 5.92 × 10–3); L01X Other antineoplastic agents. b mLOX, 164 medication codes tested (PheWAS significance level p < 3.05 × 10–4, suggestive threshold: 6.10 × 10–3); D03B Enzymes for treatment of wounds and ulcers and M09A Other drugs for disorders of the musculo-skeletal system. c mLOY, 153 medication codes tested (PheWAS significance level p < 3.27 × 10–4, suggestive threshold: 6.54 × 10–3); A10A Insulins and analogues, A10B Blood glucose lowering drugs, excluding insulin, A11C Vitamin A and D, including combinations of the two, C02C Antiandrenergic agents, peripherally acting, C07A Beta blocking agents, C08C Selective calcium channel blockers with mainly vascular effects, C10A Lipid modifying agents, plain, M04A Antigout preparations, R01A Decongestants and other nasal preparations for topical use, and S01X Other opththalmologicals

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