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Table 1 Types of hPSC-derived brain organoids

From: Human pluripotent stem cell-derived brain organoids as in vitro models for studying neural disorders and cancer

Organoid type

Brain region


Culture conditions

Observed phenotypes

Main reference

EB-like aggregates

Cerebral cortex


Stationary floating culture, followed by re-plating of aggregates

The cortical tissues contained ventricular, early and late cortical-plate, and Cajal-Retzius cell zones along the apico-basal direction


Cerebral organoid

Whole brain


Matrigel and spinning bioreactor

Apical-basal polarity, interkinetic nuclear migration, division modes of neural stem cells, and the pattern of neuronal migration were well maintained, and the enlarged OSVZ was exhibited


Matrigel and spinning bioreactor

The molecular map of the diversity of cell types across organoids is provided by sc-RNA sequencing, and they showed organoids undergo substantial neuronal maturation


Intracerebral grafting of brain organoids into mouse brain

The organoids showed progressive neuronal differentiation and maturation, gliogenesis, and established the graft-to-host functional synaptic connectivity


Region-specific brain organoid



Stationary floating culture

The induced cells self-organized into neural-tube-like structures with dorso-ventral and apico-basal polarities, and eventually formed layered structures that recapitulate cerebellar ontogenesis



Matrigel and miniaturized multi-well spinning bioreactor

Forebrain organoids exhibited multi-layer progenitor zone organization and generated diverse neuronal subtypes of all six cortical layers

[21, 22]


Matrigel and miniaturized multi-well spinning bioreactor

Midbrain organoids showed organized neuroepithelium-like structures expressing NESTIN and floor-plate precursor marker FOXA2 at early stage, TH+ DA neurons, NURR1+ and PITX3+ cells appeared at late stage

[21, 22]


Matrigel and miniaturized multi-well spinning bioreactor

Hypothalamus organoids expressed NKX2.1, SOX2, NESTIN and FOXA2 at early stage, and then the peptidergic neuronal markers and homeobox protein OTP appeared at late stage

[21, 22]


Floating culture permeable film-based culture plates, mechanical cutting

The organoids produced Zbtb20+/Prox1+ granule neurons and Zbtb20+/KA1+ pyramidal neurons, and both of which were electrically functional with network formation


Choroid plexus

Floating culture in 40% oxygen

The organoids produced Lmx1a+, Otx2+ and TTR+ neurons, which are neuronal markers for choroid plexus

[31, 32]

MGE organoid

Orbital shaker

The organoids specifically enriched the NKX2-1+ and DLX2+ neurons like in MGE



Orbital shaker

The organoids specifically enriched the OTX2+, GBX2+ and DBX1+ neurons like in thalamus


Hindbrain/spinal cord

Stationary floating culture

The neurons in hindbrain/spinal cord have established synaptical connection with neurons in cortical organoids


Fused organoids: “assembloids”

Dorsal and ventral forebrain


Stationary floating culture

The assembloids have recapitulated the interactions between glutamatergic neurons and GABAergic interneurons resembling the dorsal and ventral forebrains in human brain


Dorsal and ventral forebrain

Orbital shaker

The assembloids have recapitulated the interactions between glutamatergic neurons and GABAergic interneurons resembling the dorsal and ventral forebrains in human brain


Thalamus and forebrain

Orbital shaker

The axons from both cortex and thalamus reach the other side within 6 days in assembloids


Cortical-mouse spinal cord

Air–liquid interface cerebral organoid method

Synapses could be detected between ALI-CO projecting axons and spinal cord neurons; axon tracts could guide mouse muscle contraction when innervated


Cortico-striatal assembloids

Stationary floating culture

The cortical neurons send axonal projections into striatal organoids and form synaptic connections in assembloids


Cortico-motor assembloids

Stationary floating culture

The corticofugal neurons could project and connect with spinal spheroids, while spinal-derived motor neurons further connect with muscle to control its contraction
