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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of normal and pathological tissues from the same patient uncovers colon cancer progression

Fig. 5

Identification of T cell clusters and their expression features. A. tSNE plot of all the T cell, colored by different stages. B. tSNE plot of all the T cell, colored by clusters. C. tSNE plot of all the T cell, colored by different stages and clusters. D. The stacked histogram shows the 9 different cell cluster composition in 3 pathological stages. E. The bar chart shows each T cell cluster compositions of 3 pathological stages. F. The expression of marker genes of the T cells in different stages. G. Bubble chart showed the top marker gene expression and percentage in different T cell clusters. H. tSNE plot showed the top marker gene expression in different T cell clusters

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