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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Mechanosensitive piezo1 calcium channel activates connexin 43 hemichannels through PI3K signaling pathway in bone

Fig. 5

Cx43 HCs and pannexin1 channels regulate intracellular Ca2+ signaling activated by Piezo1. A and B Ca2+ signals and AUC of MLO-Y4 cells pre-incubated with Cx43(E2), followed with Yoda1 treatment. n = 8 and 6 for control and Cx43(E2) group, respectively. C and D Ca2+ signals and AUC of Rosa26 and Cx43 KD MLO-Y4 cell, n = 3. E EtBr dye uptake on MLO-Y4 cells pre-incubated with Cx43(E2), 10Panx, and Cx43(E2) plus 10Panx with Yoda1 treatment. n = 6; F Representative Ca2+ images of Cx43(E2), 10Panx, or Cx43(E2) plus 10Panx pre-incubated groups at 0 (application Yoda1), 180, and 360 s, (F) are representative images from three independent experiments. G and H Ca2+ signals and AUC of MLO-Y4 cells pre-incubated with Cx43(E2), 10Panx, and Cx43(E2) plus 10Panx, followed with Yoda1 treatment, n = 8, 6, 3, and 3 for control, Cx43(E2), 10Panx, and Cx43(E2) plus 10Panx group, respectively; I and J Ca2+ signals of MLO-Y4 cells pre-incubated with Cx43(E2) antibody or 10Panx with additional 10Panx or Cx43(E2) antibody treatment 120 s after Yoda1 application, respectively, during live imaging, n = 8, 3, 3 for control, and two sequential groups, respectively; Data are shown as mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001. Student-Newman Keul’s test for panels B and D, and One-way ANOVA for panels E, H, and J

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