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Fig. 4 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 4

From: BHLHE40 promotes osteoclastogenesis and abnormal bone resorption via c-Fos/NFATc1

Fig. 4

Osteosclerosis in Bhlhe40−/− mice is dominated by osteoclasts instead of microenvironment. A Diagram of bone marrow transplantation. B Quantification of bone parameters by Micro CT from each group of mice for bone marrow transplantation (WT to WT: n = 5, WT to KO: n = 6, KO to WT: n = 5, KO to KO: n = 7). BV/TV; Bone surface area bone volume ratio (BS/TV); Structural model index (SMI); Tb. N; Tb. Th; Trabecular bone model factor (Tb. Pf). C Micro CT and 3D reconstruction models of the femoral trabecula from each group of mice for bone marrow transplantation (Scale bar, 1 mm). D, E H&E and TRAP staining of femurs from each group of mice for bone marrow transplantation. The yellow arrowhead points to OCs (Scale bar, 100 um). All data are mean ± SD; * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test

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