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Fig. 7 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 7

From: Integrating spatial transcriptomics with single-cell transcriptomics reveals a spatiotemporal gene landscape of the human developing kidney

Fig. 7

Cell lineage differentiation and maturation pathway in developing kidneys. a Principal component analysis showing the transcriptional similarity of the NPCs from the 9 PCW and 18 PCW kidneys; b Principal component analysis indicating the transcriptional similarity of UB from the 9 PCW and 18 PCW kidneys; c Venn diagram of the up-and down-regulated genes between the NPC cluster from the 9 PCW kidney and the NPC, PTA clusters from the 18 PCW kidney; d Volcano plot showing the differentially expressed genes in the NPC cluster from the 18 PCW kidney compared with the NPC cluster from the 9 PCW kidney; e KEGG pathway analyses of the 366 common upregulated genes in NPC/PTA from the 18 PCW kidney; f Changes in the biological functions and pathways during the UB development (in kidneys from 9 PCW to 18 PCW)

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