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Fig. 6 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 6

From: LRP4 is required for the olfactory association task in the piriform cortex

Fig. 6

The impaired olfactory function of Lrp4 cKO mice in the piriform cortex. A Representative injection trace of AAV into CAG-Cas9 mice in the piriform cortex. B The representative brain of AAV infection, 21d after stereotactic injecting AAV into the piriform cortex of CAG-Cas9 mice. C–F Immunofluorescence staining showed AAV virus infection with layer II cells in the piriform cortex. G mCherry positive cell percent in the piriform cortex (AAV injection CAG-Cas9 mice n = 4). H, I Lrp4 was knockout in the piriform cortex of Lrp4 cKO mice. Piriform cortex was used for western blotting (I) and quantification of LRP4 level relative to GAPDH (H). LRP4 relative level in control mice was normalized to a value of 1. J, K Lrp4 cKO mice spent more time finding the buried food than control mice. (Lrp4 cKO mice, CAG-Cas9 male mice injected with AAV-Lrp4 gRNA, n = 9; control mice, CAG-Cas9 male mice injected with AAV vector, n = 8. Scar bar = 15 μm. Values were means ± SEM. n.s., no significant; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001)

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