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Fig. 4 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 4

From: Assessment of changes in autophagic vesicles in human immune cell lines exposed to nano particles

Fig. 4

a Total THP-1 Zn content following exposure to 0.1 µg/ml zinc oxide nanoparticles of stated sizes determined by ICP-MS. Data displayed as average of two replicates each comprising 5 independent measurements ± standard deviation. Asterisk denotes p < 0.05. b Autophagic responses of THP-1 cell line, as a percentage of untreated of control, at 24 h points following treatment with 0.5 µM rapamycin, 10 µM chloroquine, combined rapamycin and chloroquine, and zinc oxide nanomaterials at 0.1 µg/ml. Data displayed as an average of 4 technical replicates ± standard deviation. Asterisk denotes p < 0.05

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