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Fig. 1 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 1

From: Klotho exerts protection in chronic kidney disease associated with regulating inflammatory response and lipid metabolism

Fig. 1

Analysis of Klotho gene expression in kidney and its relationship to renal function in CKD. A KL expression in major human organs/tissues displayed a highly kidney-specific expression pattern. B KL expression was prominently higher (fold change = 3.334, P < 0.0001) in tubulointerstitium (n = 6) compared to glomeruli (n = 6) based on t-test statistics. C The tSNE plot indicated that the clustering of snRNA-seq of adult human kidney identified 12 distinct cell types. That included proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), loop of Henle (LOH), distal convoluted tubule (DCT), connecting tubule (CNT), principal cell (PC), intercalated cell type A (IC-A), intercalated cell type B (IC-B), podocyte (PODO), endothelium (ENDO), mesangial cell (MES), Immune cell (IMC), and Undefined cell (Undefined#). D-F Expression of KL in 12 different cell types as demonstrated by tSNE plot, Violin plots and Dot plot. G KL expression of glomeruli in CKD patients (n = 172) and Healthy Living Donors (n = 21). H KL expression of tubulointerstitium in CKD patients (n = 170) and Healthy Living Donors (n = 31). I Correlation between KL expression of glomeruli and eGFR of CKD patients (n = 192). J Correlation between KL expression of tubulointerstitium and eGFR of CKD patients (n = 186). K Correlation between KL expression of glomeruli and BUN of CKD patients (n = 150). L Correlation between KL expression of tubulointerstitium and BUN of CKD patients (n = 142). N, M Correlation between KL expression of tubulointerstitium and eGFR of patients in an independent CKD cohort (Sampson Nephrotic Syndrome TubInt) and a DN cohort (Woroniecka Diabetes TubInt). KL, Klotho gene; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CKD, chronic kidney disease; DN, diabetic nephropathy; Spearman, Spearman correlation analysis; R, correlation coefficient R; P, P-value

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