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Fig. 1 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 1

From: Single-cell transcriptome reveals a novel mechanism of C-Kit+-liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in NASH

Fig. 1

LSEC scRNA-seq analysis. A Liver single-cell isolation, detection and analysis workflow in MCD-induced NASH and control mice (each group n = 3). B t-SNE visualization of clusters based on the single-cell transcriptome. A total of 21 single-cell clusters (0–20) and 5 single-LSEC clusters (0, 1, 5, 12, 17) was shown. Each dot represented a single-cell, and each color represented a cluster. C t-SNE plots showed 4 clusters of single-LSEC population (cluster 0, 1, 5, 12) in control and NASH mice. D Paired t-SNE and violin plots showed the expression of marker genes of LSECs: Cd31 and Vegfr-3. E t-SNE plots showed 7 new clusters of single-LSEC population (cluster 0–6) in control and NASH mice. F Heatmap of the top 10 representative DEGs of LSEC clusters (cluster 0–6). G Paired t-SNE and violin plots showed the expression of landmark DEGs: Lyvel, Stab 2, Efnb2, Vwf, Rspo3 and Wnt9b

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