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Fig. 8 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 8

From: Single nuclear RNA sequencing of terminal ileum in patients with cirrhosis demonstrates multi-faceted alterations in the intestinal barrier

Fig. 8

IPA Analysis Results for Stem Cell-Specific Differential Gene Expressions for (A) Compensated vs Healthy Control, (B) Early Decompensated vs Healthy Control and (C) Advanced Decompensated vs Healthy Control. The pathway maps show the potential interactions between major transcription factors, pathways, and biological functions that were differentially expressed or predicted to be regulated. Orange represents upregulation and blue represents downregulation. Not many significant changes were noticed in the compensated sample besides the downregulation of two inflammation related genes TNF and IFNG (A). Both genes were however upregulated in the early decompensated patient along with growth promoting pathways related to YAP1 and TGFB1 (B). In the advanced decompensated patient, TGFB1 was downregulated (C)

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