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Fig. 7 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 7

From: Single nuclear RNA sequencing of terminal ileum in patients with cirrhosis demonstrates multi-faceted alterations in the intestinal barrier

Fig. 7

IPA Analysis Results for Paneth Cell-Specific Differential Gene Expressions for (A) Compensated vs Healthy Control, (B) Early Decompensated vs Healthy Control and (C) Advanced Decompensated vs Healthy Control. The pathway maps show the potential interactions between major transcription factors, pathways, and biological functions that were differentially expressed or predicted to be regulated. Orange represents upregulation and blue represents downregulation. Upregulations of EGF (epidermal growth factor) and HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) can be observed in the Paneth cells from the compensated patients, leading to the upregulations of multiple pathways related to cell growth (A). The trend was reversed in both decompensated patients with the downregulation of EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) and cancer-related transcription factors MYC or MYCN (B, C). However, just like in goblet cells, the downregulation of EIF2 signalling can be observed in the Paneth cells from all three cirrhosis patients

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