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Fig. 10 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 10

From: Single nuclear RNA sequencing of terminal ileum in patients with cirrhosis demonstrates multi-faceted alterations in the intestinal barrier

Fig. 10

Circle Plot for Inferred Cellular Interaction Dynamics in (A) Healthy Control, (B) Compensated, (C) Early Decompensated, (D) Advanced Decompensated Samples and Side-by-side Comparison Heatmaps for the Overall Signalling Strength of All Cell Types in Major Identified Signalling Pathways for (E) Compensated, (F) Early Decompensated, and (F) Advanced Decompensated Samples vs Healthy Control. The circle plots offer detailed looks into the numbers of interactions happening between each cell type. The color of each curve corresponds to its outgoing cell type while the size of each curve reflects the relative number of interactions. Notable changes observed include a decrease of interactions between enterocytes and stem cells can be observed in the compensated sample as compared to the healthy control (A, B). Interactions involved enterocytes further decreased in both decompensated samples but interactions involving Paneth cells and transit-amplifying cells increased. The side-by-side heatmaps visualize the relative strength of each cell type’s participation in major detected signalling pathways. The loss of CDH and PARs signalling in stem cells in compensated and early decompensated patients can be observed when compared to the healthy control. However, the expressions of both signalling pathways returned to stronger levels in the advanced decompensated patient. The loss of DESMOSOME signalling can be observed in all diseased samples compared to the healthy control, mainly in enterocytes, stem cells, and microfold cells

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