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Fig. 6 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 6

From: Epigenetic reshaping through damage: promoting cell fate transition by BrdU and IdU incorporation

Fig. 6

BrdU/IdU can participate in cell fate regulation with negligible mutations. A Mutation analysis-SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) on the samples treated with or without BrdU/IdU and MEFs. B InDel (insertion–deletion) analysis. C CNV (Copy Number Variant) analysis. D SV (Structural variaIn) analysis. E Genomic panorama variation analysis. The outermost circle displays chromosomal information: lengths and karyotypes of each chromosome. The second circle shows gene density as a blue heatmap, with darker shades indicating higher gene numbers in that chromosomal area. The third circle exhibits a red heatmap of sequencing coverage, with deeper colors showing higher average sequencing coverage within the chromosomal region. The fourth circle is a scatter plot of SNP density against a light blue background: red dots above the average density, and blue dots below. The fifth circle represents InDel density with a similar scatter plot: red dots above the average density, and green dots below. The sixth circle displays CNV distribution as a line plot: upward lines indicate amplifications (red), and downward lines indicate deletions (blue). The seventh circle signifies SV (Structural Variations) in different colors: green for insertions, red for deletions, blue for duplications, purple for inversions, and orange for translocations

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