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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Epigenetic reshaping through damage: promoting cell fate transition by BrdU and IdU incorporation

Fig. 5Fig. 5

BrdU/IdU creates a more open hypomethylated environment for the transformation of cell fate. A The methylation patterns of Aqp8 and Pthr1 when treated with or without BrdU or IdU. B Morphological changes at D30 during induction of CiPSCs treated with DNMT inhibitor CM272 and SGI1027. C FSC analysis of Oct4-GFP colonies generated under different treatment conditions. D Histogram of percentage CpG methylation generated under different treatment conditions. E Methylation differential analysis between treated and untreated cells with IdU/BrdU. F Genomic panorama differential methylation regional distribution. From outermost to innermost: Outer circle represents chromosome ideogram; Second circle displays the methylation levels in the treatment group; Third circle shows gene density, where darker red indicates higher gene density; Fourth circle exhibits methylation differences between the treatment and control groups, with darker blue indicating greater differences; Innermost circle illustrates the methylation levels in the control group. G Differential DNA methylation gene and annotations

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