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Table 5 A list of commonly used parameters for nephrotoxicity testing

From: Precision nephrotoxicity testing using 3D in vitro models



Cell viability assays

Degree of cell death or damage in response to a drug or other compound, which can indicate potential NT assessed CCK-8, MTT and live/death kits

Biomarker analysis

Expression of biomarkers associated with kidney function (e.g., albumin, nephrin) for the effects of a drug or compound on kidney cells

Histological analysis

3D kidney tissue constructs under a microscope can reveal structural changes indicative of kidney damage


Metabolic parameters can provide information on cellular respiration and glycolysis, which can be affected by nephrotoxic compounds, seahorse analysis


ROS levels can provide insight into this aspect of nephrotoxicity

Inflammatory markers

Cytokines genes and proteins: TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, HMGB1, CRP, PGE2 and NO, assessed by q-PCR and western-blot

Kidney-specific protein markers

Expression of proteins: e.g., aquaporins (AOP1, AQP3), transporters (i.e., OAT1, OAT3, OCT2, MRP2, BCRP, SGLT2)


MMP, ATP production, complexes I-V expression and activity, mitochondrial morphology, mtDNA content and OCR/ECAR

  1. OCR oxygen consumption rate, ECAR extracellular acidification rate, ROS reactive oxygen species assays, MMP Mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP adenosine triphosphate, mtDNA content-mitochondrial DNA content