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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: Knocking out Fkbp51 decreases CCl4-induced liver injury through enhancement of mitochondrial function and Parkin activity

Fig. 5

Liver mitochondria are larger in Fkbp51 KO mice than in WT. A Representative EM photomicrographs of WT and KO liver mitochondria with or without CCl4 treatment. B, C Mitochondrial size (area) quantification demonstrated that Fkbp51 KO mitochondria are larger in both control and CCl4 conditions, although no differences in mitochondrial number were detected. Quantifications are from random representative microphotographs measuring 250–300 mitochondria. p values were determined by two-way ANOVA with the statistical significance labeled as follows: *as p < 0.05, *** as p < 0.001. D Representative EM photomicrographs depict ER expansion in WT following CCl4 treatment. Key: WT, wild type; KO, Fkbp51 KO; Nu, nucleus; ER, endoplasmic reticulum

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