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Fig. 5 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 5

From: COUP-TFII regulates early bipotential gonad signaling and commitment to ovarian progenitors

Fig. 5

Comparison of the unique gene signatures of WT and the NR2F2-KO COV434 cells to the transcriptome of cell types from fetal organ systems and female fetal gonads. A Venn diagram depicting the adopted strategy to obtain the unique gene signatures for WT and NR2F2-KO COV434 cells from RNA-seq data. FPM, fragments per million mapped fragments. B The unique gene signatures for WT and NR2F2-KO cells were compared with tissue-cell type expression signatures of different human fetal organs using the online platform WebCSEA. Data show the − log10(p-value) generated for each query of the cell-type specificity enrichment analysis. Each dot represents one tissue-cell type characterized by scRNA-seq experiments. The red dashed line indicates the Bonferroni-corrected significance by 1355 tissue-cell types. The grey solid line indicates the nominal significance. C UMAP of cell lineages in the scRNA-seq datasets of developing ovary and mesonephros obtained from human female fetuses [24]. The color scale represents the shared gene signature enrichment for WT and NR2F2-KO COV434 cells. CoelEpi coelomic epithelium, OSE ovarian surface epithelium, preGC pre-granulosa cell, Gi gonadal interstitial, Oi ovarian interstitial, SMC smooth muscle cell. Source data for this figure are available in Additional file 3

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